Thursday, July 15, 2010

Zezong Bagua Australia

Welcome to our blog
we are calling for interested parties to join our family here in australia, melbourne. based in the western suburbs.

for further information please see our schools website

We are a style of internal martial arts, specifically Baguazhang (Eight Trigram Palm), descended from Master Gao Yisheng and one of his most senior students Master Wu Mengxia. This lineage of Gao style Baguazhang (specifically Guanghua ZeZong Tongyi Pai) has remained relatively obscure until recently. Seeing the potential for this art to vanish from the world a remaining senior practioner Mr. Bi Tianzuo requested that his student Yang Yusen explore ways to spread and teach the art so that it would not die. As a unique and distinctive variant of the Gao style of Bagua this system has been attractive to many. As Teacher Yang says "Martial arts is primarily for the joy of practice, for friendship and keeping tradition alive". We strive to honor the memory of Wu Mengxia and the other master practitioners who dedicated their lives to keeping something precious alive. You are welcome to explore this style and see if its methods are appealing to you.